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Gofun has developed an innovative solution to reduce costs and improve the customer experience at cashless events.

Wristbandless cashless

It is well known that the cost associated with the use of wristbands can be significant for event organizers. A simple exercise is enough to take dimensions. Taking into account that the costs range from 0.4€/wristband and the average daily consumption per attendee can range from 10 to 25€/day for events where the duration is at least 4hs, this yields an average of 3% for events where the attendance is only one day and highlights the urgent need to find alternatives for concert cycles.

What about recharging staff?

The need for staff to recharge wristbands and cards at cashless events represents not only a significant cost, but also a complication in human resources management and a need for control. Hiring and administration of staff alone usually varies around 2.5% of consumption.

A superior experience

Gofun has introduced a cashless system that allows direct credit card payments, eliminating the need to pre-charge a wristband and reducing operating costs. In addition, it provides cash recharge totems to simplify cash management. This not only improves operational efficiency, but also creates a more streamlined and satisfying user experience.

Gofun’s solution also relieves pressure on event organizers, allowing them to focus on providing a unique and memorable experience for attendees. With Gofun, events not only become more efficient and cost-effective, but also deliver a smoother and more satisfying customer experience.